Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps - by Killa (2005)

  • Uploaded 2 years ago in the category
  • # perhaps# killa# 2005
  • This is a fan "slash vid" which hints at a possible romantic relationship between Captain Kirk and first officer Spock created using footage from the ...
    This is a fan "slash vid" which hints at a possible romantic relationship between Captain Kirk and first officer Spock created using footage from the 1960s television show Star Trek and the song "Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps" by the band Cake. The Star Trek media franchise now includes six television series and 12 feature films, all without even one openly gay or lesbian main character. The Kirk/Spock relationship, however, has a long, vibrant, and complex history in fan works. Killa's "fan vid" remix is a playful meta commentary on and celebration of that longstanding fan fiction tradition.
    • Learn more about Killa and her vidding work via Fanlore:
    • Find out more about the slash genre of fan fiction:
    FAIR USE NOTICE: This critical transformative work has been uploaded here for noncommercial educational and archival purposes as part of an academic history of remix video created before the launch of YouTube . As such we believe it constitutes a fair use of any copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US copyright law.
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